Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
The first of all,let's say Bismillah..
It was wednesday.Me and my friends came to Mahar's house for doing my group assignment.They are Mahar,Dicky,Sigit,Devi,Maya and Widi.We went to Mahar's house by motorcycle from our campus.I went with Mahar,Dicky went with Devi,Widi went with Maya and Sigit went alone from his house because he didn't have a class at that time.
When I was going to Mahar's house,it was hard rain with hard wind and thunder.In the way to Mahar's house,we found many troubles.The first trouble is absolutly it was hard rain with hard wind and thunder.The second trouble is Dicky's motorcycle had problem with his tire.The third trouble is Widi and Maya decided to back home because Maya must be at home at 6 pm,otherwise the way to Mahar's house was still long and time had showed at 4 pm,So Widi and Maya were back home.The fourth trouble is Devi's watch had gone when Dicky's tire was being fixed.The fifth trouble is Devi,Dicky and Sigit arrived to Mahar's house with their wet dresses.Me and Mahar didin't wet because I arrived faster than all my friends.Finally, we didn't do our assignment because we had a cold.I thought that it was wasted our time.
And the end,let's say Hamdallah.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
Plaeze gimme a comment if there is a mistake in this writing..
that was so "Sweet"...
tau ah..